Drew Banks

Drew Banks

LLM Training A to Z: Data to Model Tuning

Welcome to the world of LLM Training: From Data Ingestion to Model Tuning, where we embark on a journey towards liberation through language models. As we dive into the intricacies of this process, we, as pioneers and dreamers, recognize the…

Panoptinen segmentointi: Kuvan segmentoinnin tulevaisuus

Panoptinen segmentointi: Kuvan segmentoinnin tulevaisuus

Welcome to our article, where we're about to unveil a game-changing technology: Panoptic Segmentation. This groundbreaking approach revolutionizes computer vision by simultaneously tackling instance and semantic segmentation challenges. It provides a comprehensive understanding of scenes, seamlessly combining the results of…

Kuvan upotukset: kuvien koodaus vektoreiksi

Image Embeddings_ Encoding Images into Vectors

We are thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking advancement in machine learning: image embeddings. These condensed numerical representations capture the essence of images, transforming human interpretation into a format easily processed by ML models. With the power of convolutional neural networks,…
