Data Annotation Services for all Industries
Hire expert labelers who care about your AI training data accuracy, just as much as you do.

Work with Enterprises, Startups, AI Partners

Get Your Training Data Done
Enquire today about adding human labelers to your account to create even better performing models.
Step 01
Plug in your Data
We read data directly from your cloud provider or data warehouse. No change of at-rest region.
Step 02
Configure a workflow
Add models for pre-processing, route tasks to the right labelers based on detected objects.
Step 03
Monitor progress
Gain complete visibility of every label, exchange comments, and resolve edge cases.
The Best People for the Task
Your labeling subscription comes with a Labelify project manager, who will work with you to design workflows and ensure quality standards are met.

Medical Talent
In need of radiologists, pathologists, or scientists? Our network of expert labelers has you covered.

Staff Training
AI errors often arise due to the unfamiliarly of a labeler with the tools. Our experts know every hotkey, every feature, and every button – guaranteeing accuracy and pace.

Labeling subscriptions come with a our project manager who designs workflows with you and ensures quality standards are met.

Auto Tests
After producing billions of labels, we know what failure points to look out for. We deploy automated tests to ensure high accuracy.

Measured on Accuracy
Our labelers aren’t selected for speed, but rather for accuracy in edge cases; the most crucial form of training data.

Security Standards
Labelers can only see what’s assigned to them in our SOC2, HIPAA, and ISO27001 compliant platform.
Industries Building AI with Labelify
Meie spetsialist juhendab teid meie teenusepakkumise põhifunktsioonide kaudu, mis on teie ettevõtte jaoks olulised.

Labelify tööjõud ammutab luureandmeid struktureerimata andmetest, võimaldades täppispõllumajandusel ja nutikatel põllumajandustehnoloogiatel põllumehi aidata.

Märgistage eksperte ja tööjõudu, kes tegelevad toiduainete tootmise, säilitamise, kvaliteedikontrolli ning teadus- ja arendustegevusega.

Jaemüük ja e-kaubandus
Mida suurem on e-kaubanduse osalus jaekaubanduses, seda suurem on võimalus olla edukas.

Pangandus ja kindlustus
Finantsandmete eksperdid avavad luureandmed, et aidata maailma juhtivaid finantsettevõtteid.

Autonoomsed sõidukid
Labelify pakub kvaliteetseid sisuteenuseid suurtele ettevõtetele kogu autonoomse transpordisektoris.

Labelify teeb koostööd tehisintellekti ja ML-i juurutamiseks arvutinägemise, NLP ja sisuteenuste ökosüsteemides andmete rikastamise, märkuste lisamise ja sildistamise kaudu.

Meditsiin ja tervishoid
Labelify teeb CV-de, NLP- ja sisuteenuste ökosüsteemide koostööd, lisades ja märgistades andmeid.

Labelify teeb koostööd tehisintellekti ja ML-i juurutamiseks arvutinägemise, NLP ja sisuteenuste ökosüsteemides, rikastades, märkides ja märgistades andmeid tõhususe suurendamiseks.
Programmatically assign work with our dev tools
Tools for every stack
Leverage the REST API, integrate with the Python library, or quickly apply mass actions via CLI
Prebuilt integrations
Load datasets into Pytorch, connect your cloud storage, and integrate MLOps tools