Drew Banks

Drew Banks

Apple võidab LLM-arvutite AI-arendajate üle

Apple võidab LLM-arvutite AI-arendajate üle

We've uncovered the latest trend in the AI community – Apple has become the go-to choice for developers running the largest open-source Language Model Libraries (LLMs). With their impressive advancements in AI technology, Apple has captured the attention of developers…

Introduction to Diffusion Models for Machine Learning

In this mind-opening journey, we will unlock the secrets of diffusion models for machine learning. These cutting-edge algorithms have shattered boundaries, reshaping the landscape of data generation. By infusing noise into datasets and then skillfully reversing the process, these models…

MLOps: skaleeritava ja usaldusväärse ML tulevik

MLOps_ Skaleeritava ja usaldusväärse ML tulevik

We're about to embark on a groundbreaking journey into the world of machine learning. Join us as we explore the transformative power of MLOps, a practice that revolutionizes collaboration between data scientists and operations professionals. Derived from the principles of…

Tehisintellekti kasutusjuhtumid digitaalses patoloogias 2024. aastal ja pärast seda

Tehisintellekti kasutusjuhtumid digitaalses patoloogias

Artificial Intelligence Usecases in Digital Pathology has witnessed AI’s rise in digital pathology, transforming the field in remarkable ways. Artificial neural networks have enabled faster and more accurate diagnoses, improved cancer treatment, pandemic prevention, enhanced education, and accelerated drug development.…

Andrew Ng: Tehisintellekti OG

Andrew Ng_ Tehisintellekti OG

We are thrilled to introduce you to the extraordinary journey of Andrew Ng, the godfather of AI. His remarkable achievements and influential contributions have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. With an unparalleled ability to teach and inspire, Ng has…
