Drew Banks

Drew Banks

Apple vinder over AI-udviklere til LLM Computing

Apple vinder over AI-udviklere til LLM Computing

We've uncovered the latest trend in the AI community – Apple has become the go-to choice for developers running the largest open-source Language Model Libraries (LLMs). With their impressive advancements in AI technology, Apple has captured the attention of developers…

Artificial Intelligence Usecases i digital patologi for 2024 og frem

Kunstig intelligens usecases i digital patologi

Artificial Intelligence Usecases i digital patologi har været vidne til AI's stigning i digital patologi, som har transformeret feltet på bemærkelsesværdige måder. Kunstige neurale netværk har muliggjort hurtigere og mere præcise diagnoser, forbedret kræftbehandling, pandemiforebyggelse, forbedret uddannelse og accelereret udvikling af lægemidler...

Andrew Ng: Kunstig intelligensens OG

Andrew Ng_ The OG of Artificial Intelligence

We are thrilled to introduce you to the extraordinary journey of Andrew Ng, the godfather of AI. His remarkable achievements and influential contributions have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. With an unparalleled ability to teach and inspire, Ng has…

Gen AI trænet på chips transformerer chipdesign

Gen AI trænet på chips transformerer chipdesign

We have witnessed the incredible potential of generative AI in reshaping the chip industry. Trained on chips, genai offers a revolutionary approach to chip manufacturing. With its ability to optimize cost, detect defects, discover new materials, and create custom integrated…
